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We were asked a question recently: 

"why should we ( a non domestic property owener) carry out fire awareness training & produce Risk Assessments"


Well...this is when its too late....

The Fire Authority will require an organisation to provide evidence that compliance of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 has been complied with when:

  • A Routine fire safety audit as per local fire authority's inspection programme (although you will get a minimum 24 hours notice of their intention is provided to the responsible person by the Fire Authority) Who is a responsible person?

  • A Complaint - as received by the local Fire Authority in relation to fire safety concerns raised by member of the public /partner/other agencies.

  • A Post fire audit (this is defiantly too late....)

So please contact us to ensure your organisation is compliant....".Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005"

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